New facility for British Army Band achieves DREAM ‘Very Good’ and ‘Excellent’ Ratings
It’s almost three years to the day that Mynott Bowers were commissioned to produce initial early stage bills of quantities for the new band practice facility. The project was for a purpose built, environmentally friendly building to house the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (RMAS) band. The construction is now complete with an official opening due to take place in the Autumn 2024.
The project was funded by the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) under the Defence Estate Optimisation (DEO) Army Programme. The DEO is investing £3.35bn over ten years to improve living, working, and training accommodations for those who serve in the Army.

Accelerated under the SCAPE framework, the completed project achieved Defence Related Environmental Assessment Methodology (DREAM) ‘Very Good’ and ‘Excellent’ ratings, contributing sustainably to the built environment.
Air source heat pumps and solar panels have been installed, as well as prefabricated containment kits and programmable lighting systems to reduce the project’s carbon footprint, and enhance the sustainability of the building.
The new purpose-built facility provides an acoustically optimised space for rehearsals and performances for musicians serving under British Army Band Sandhurst. Features include: an instrument store, music library and rehearsal rooms, as well as offices, storage, changing rooms, and a crew room that will support performances such as passing out parades and Sovereign’s parades.

The Ensemble Band at RMAS will move into the building over the summer before the official opening event for the new Band facility is planned for autumn 2024.
Mynott Bowers have the experience and expertise to produce bills of quantities for construction and civil engineering projects of any size or complexity, across all industry sectors. If you require bills of quantities for a current or future project, email Cassie Larham, our Group Business Development Manager in the first instance at [email protected], or telephone (+44)1234 581940.
Take a look at the wide variety of projects Mynott Bowers have been commissioned on here: Explore Our Construction Portfolio: Mynotts Bowers (mynottbowers.com)