Mynott Bowers Finalist in ‘Best Service Based’ Category
On Thursday, 20th April 2023, Managing Director Derek Mynott attended The BizX Awards Ceremony held at London Excel Arena. This event was Hosted by Welsh TV and radio presenter Gabby Logan and Brad Sugars, widely known as one of the best business coaches in the World.
The evening is held each year to recognise and celebrate the succusses of businesses and business owners that have enrolled on an Action Coach programme.
The BizX Awards 2023 had 19 awards up for grabs and The Mynott Bower Group were awarded runner-up in the category for ‘Best Service Based’ organisation.
Derek Mynott said: “We are without doubt dedicated to continuously improving the quantity surveying services we provide to the construction and civil engineering industries, as our vision states Mynott Bowers strives to be the ‘best at what we do’ and the ‘firm of choice’. This award reaffirms that we are heading in the right direction.”

Below is a short description of the category from The Bizx Awards website:
Customer service is something that every business has to do to survive, but some businesses go the extra mile which makes them stand out from the rest. You will demonstrate how the company promotes ongoing customer service improvement across the organisation and how your team participates to improve their development. Customer testimonials will be provided as supporting evidence.
This is a great achievement for The Mynott Bowers Group. The BizX Awards 2023 event was through ActionCOACH, which particularly helps thousands of businesses and their owners worldwide.
Why we are proud to be the finalists for ‘Best Service Based’ category.
At The Mynott Bowers Group, our vision statement, Mission Statement, and Group values are our priority. And we always pride ourselves in giving the best service to our clients at all times. Further more, we are passionate about the service we provide. In addition every year we carry out an Annual Client Satisfaction Survey. Our overall rating for 2022 was 4.22 out of 5 which is a testimony to all our staff across the Mynott Bowes Group.
To read more about the Finalist and the Winners at BizX Awards then click here.