
The Ultimate Team Building Challenge – UK Headquarters

Members of our UK team based at Mynott Bowers Group headquarters in Bedford had a truly remarkable team-building event at the picturesque Bedford Park this week. The activities were beautifully crafted to encourage team members to build strong relationships, promote critical problem-solving skills, and teach us how to work together effectively towards our objectives.

The team was divided into two groups: the Park Rangers and Arunas Antics. Both groups had 90 minutes to complete a series of exhilarating challenges. The team with the highest points and best teamwork would be announced as the winners, but the true reward was the bonds we formed and the skills we acquired

We understand that team building is more than just accomplishing tasks; it’s about creating a supportive and trustworthy atmosphere. Our goal is to establish a team that is motivated, engaged, and successful.

The triumphant team was Aruna’s Antics, who scored an impressive 551 points, while the Park Rangers came in a close second with 505 points. We’ve included some of the pictures from the unforgettable afternoon of teamwork at Bedford Park.

We would like to express our appreciation to Rockitfish for organising this event, making it an enjoyable afternoon that brought our team members closer together and helped them develop crucial teamwork skills.